Hey there! Here’s one leadership idea and one resource I’ve found beneficial this week:

1 idea: Scatter-plotting your career
Figuring out your career is a lot like those scatter plots you did in your high school math class.
Your life experience creates so many data points for you: that photography class you loved, a controlling boss you couldn’t stand, that volunteer tutoring opportunity you really enjoyed.
Each of these experiences tells us something about our gifts and passions. When we pause and figure out where these data points are leading us, we can often see a pattern emerging amidst those points. That’s your Career Path of Best Fit.
I say best fit because it's not always a perfect fit or predictable fit or even socially acceptable fit. It’s often a lot less clean and linear than we would like it to be. But even still, there is a path, and that path can inform our next career steps.
Don’t assume that your scatter plot will be linear or even increasing exponentially. Instead, periodically step back and assess the data. Where are your growing strengths and evolving passions leading you? In light of that, what's the next best step?
1 resource: Building community
In my second conversation with Eric Brooker (recorded in front of a live audience at the University of Notre Dame), we explore a topic that’s near and dear to my heart: community. We tackle these questions together:
What makes community important?
How do you build community when you’re a busy adult with a young family?
How do you determine who should be in your inner circle (your Top 5)?
…and more. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!